COE Essential Oil UMM Forestry Study Program Collaborates with 3 New Dudi Partners, DUDI: The potential and enthusiasm of UMM superior students will strengthen Indonesia's Essential Oils

Monday, July 31, 2023 20:18 WIB

                                                                                                                  Photo with CoE students, Lecturers and DUDI Partners

The market need for essential oils in Indonesia is increasing, in line with the increasing development of industries such as cosmetics, perfumes, aromatherapy and pharmaceuticals. But the current situation in the field, our country still imports a lot from foreign countries. Seeing a promising business opportunity, UMM Forestry collaborated with several essential oil companies including PT. Mazano Power Engineering, PT. Equila Sumber Berkah and CV. Mustika Atsiri. The signing of the collaboration was carried out on Wednesday, 26 July 2023 at the Kapal Garden Hotel. Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM, M.Sc. IPU said "Business in the field of essential oils in Indonesia is classified as low so it is very minimally competitive. With this opportunity, students are expected to be able to develop essential oils that focus on forestry commodities."

           The CoE essential oil programming is currently only focused on forestry students, but does not rule out the possibility of opening up opportunities for non-forestry students. Apart from focusing on essential oil processing, forestry study program students are also expected to be able to cultivate and care for forestry commodities that can produce essential oils. "Essential oil CoE is a bridge for comparing forestry study programs and is a flagship program." Said the head of the Forestry Study Program, Galit Gatut Prakosa, S.Hut., M.Sc. After the signing session, it was followed by a discussion session with the three dudi partners. Also on this occasion, students presented entrepreneurial proposals related to essential oils. The CoE class is carried out in 2 stages, namely in semester 6 in the form of class providing material from lecturers and DUDI, practicum and taking grades. Then in semester 7 an internship is carried out.

                                                                                                                             Signature by Martsiano Wija Dirgantara, S.Si from PT. Marzano Energy Engineering

The purpose of holding the provision of material is that CoE is a professional class which later the output of this class is "professional". Therefore, so that students do not experience difficulties during internships, it is necessary to provide material by lecturers or DUDI partners. PT. Equila Sumber Berkah represented by Khoirul Rohman, SE said that "The pressure you get during an internship is a basic ingredient when entering the world of work.". It is undeniable that the pressure at work is very different from the pressure at college, therefore during internships students are given case studies where they are related to the world of work and they are asked to solve these problems by considering several parties.


The existence of the Essential Oil Class CoE is an effort by the university to prepare professional staff who are experts in certain fields. Students are also focused on becoming entrepreneurs and able to take advantage of golden opportunities. CoE essential oil classes can be used by students to bridge their passions and open businesses that can be useful for society because they have the potential to open up job opportunities. In this class students are also given the task of starting a business that will market their products later.
