"The learning methods is applied in UMM Forestry department are able to support the thinking and carrying capacity of students. The learning atmosphere does not only emphasize the academic field, but also involves quite close religious and familial aspects"
(Iqbal Forestry, 2015)
"The UMM Forestry Study Program helped me to become an advanced, knowledgeable and developed person. From the experience I gained in this Forestry department, I was able to develop it to a higher and better level to achieve my success in the world of work. Helped by support and guidance from professional lecturers, I managed to get through the lectures well so that I was able to graduate in 3.5 years with satisfactory grades.
Never get bored of continuing to learn and increase your knowledge, because success does not belong to smart people, but success belongs to those who always try. Because in reality, in achieving success there are no later and but."
(Tria Kehutanan, 2019)
"Becoming a student in the UMM forestry department is an excellent opportunity. I gained a lot of knowledge from academic and non-academic activities. the Lecturers can build a comfortable learning environment that helps students become advanced, skilled and insightful individuals. The experience gained can take me to a higher and better level to achieve success".
(Ainun Kehutanan, 2017)