Educational facilities and teaching processes are the origin of all educational activities. UMM forestry study program students can access all UMM campus facilities that support academics including the Internet, classrooms, libraries, computers - ICT, and laboratories. Non-academic, supporting, recreational facilities, UMM public facilities can be accessed in campus regulations for equal distribution for all students (
The UMM library is spread across four locations equipped with Library Automation Service (LASer) application as a library automation system. Has internet access and a special discussion room for the Academic Community. The Central Library is located on Campus III. This library consists of three floors with a size of 4,690 M2.
The UMM Central Library has been managed with a digital library system (digilib) which is connected to several libraries, both domestic and foreign libraries. For the East Java region, there are only two libraries that have developed digital libraries, one of which is the Muhammadiyah University of Malang. The Central Library has a collection consisting of books, a collection of magazines and newspaper journals, CD installers, CD e-books, and cassettes.
Members of the library at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang include students who are still registered as UMM students. Lecturers / employees who are still active as lecturers or employees at UMM.
The main means for lecture activities is the classroom. Each study program has been given classroom data according to the number of students, although there are still classrooms that are shared both within faculties and between faculties. There are several types of lecture rooms, namely: ordinary classrooms, multimedia classrooms and exclusive multimedia classrooms. The facilities available in the multimedia classroom are computers, LCD projectors and audio equipment. Several multimedia classrooms are connected to the internet either via cable or hotspot access.