Vison and Mission


Become an internationally reputable, advance and qualify study program in the development of science and technology in the forestry sector which is capable of producing competent human resources in managing forest and environmental resources with Islamic values for human welfare. This vision is expected to be achieved by 2025.


1. Organizing the teaching and learning process according to the latest study program curriculum.
2. To produce human resources who are devout, professional, independent and have an entrepreneurial spirit in implementing and developing science and technology in forestry sector.
3. Creating a positive image according to capacity and professionalism.
4. Building institutional cooperation with stakeholders.



1. To produce forestry graduates who have an Islamic competitive in developing and implementing science and technology in forestry sector.
2. Producing scientific studies in to develop science and technology that sustainable and based on local potential.
3. Disseminating science and technology in the field of sustainable forestry for the welfare of society.
4. The creation of good collaborative relationships (networking) with government agencies, the private sector or other related institutions, on a regional, national and international scale, to facilitate students and lecturers for internships/field work practices, research and community service, as an effort to improve the quality of graduates as well as providing information and job opportunities for graduates.
